Wednesday, 29 May 2013

[Paper Tutorial] Finding XSS With Automated Tool . (YGN Ethical Hacker Group)

Intro : 

There are plenty of tools that assist you in finding XSS holes . Somtimes , automated tools (a.k.a fuzzers) return false positive results. Make sure you always verity the results from fuzzer reports after scanning is done .

Tool Descripting : 

It's capabale of finding both XSS and SQLinjection vulnerabilities. IT Does web crawling , gets all the GETs and POSTs , and then fuzz them with 'SQlinjection' and 'XSS' triggers. 

Objective : 

To automate finding XSS hole on particular web site quickly 


Let's Get Started .....

Steps : 
1. cd /pentest/web/sqlinject-1.1/
2. ./ -h host -p port -t target 
(e.g ./ -h -p 80 -t /vulnerable_pages/xssed.php 

It's easy , right ? :D

Credit And Regart's : doubl3_h3lix (YGN Ethical Hacker Group)


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